Introducing COCO

Introducing COCO

It's no secret that the KEYPIT Together queen, Dana Robinson, is a dog person. It's only fitting that our new COCO Signature line is named after none other than Dana's best gal, Coco the Springer Spaniel.

Coco wagged her way into the Robinson family as a Christmas gift in 2017. Dana shares, "My kids begged for a dog for three years before I finally gave in. How was I supposed to keep up with a dog when I couldn't even remember to water the house plants? The juggle struggle is real!" Today Coco is a bright spot in the Robinson household and has been a constant companion during the stress of COVID-19. 

When Dana and her daughter saw the rich, chocolate color of the COCO Signature line, they immediately thought of their brunette fur baby. Dana reveals, "Sophie named our dog after Coco Chanel. We followed the tradition by going with Sophie's name selection, COCO, for the new collection." 

We can't wait to share the COCO collection with you. Shop the latest styles to stay hands-free for long walks with your pup. To celebrate the new product launch, we are offering a free #keypittogether mug with the purchase of any COCO product. Offer continues while supplies last. 







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